Category: Integration Platform

GitHub Connector

The GitHub integration connector enables a variety of actions within GitHub repositories, including creating and managing issues, pull requests, branches, and labels. It allows you

REST API Connector

This is our most commonly used Integration Connector, that connects to your APIs via REST. You can use any of the standard methods like GET,

MySQL Connector

Connect your MySQL databases to your integrations, to query, insert, update and delete data. Run Query Define queries that the integration creators can use when

Active Directory Connector

Integrate your systems with Active Directory effortlessly using our Active Directory connector. Retrieve user and group information, create new users and groups, update user details,

LDAP Connector

Our LDAP connector provides seamless integration with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) services. Easily authenticate users, search for user groups, create new user groups, update

Slack Connector

Let your integrations in Copyl send messages to your Slack channels on certain events. You can also add and remove users, as well as search

Twilio SMS Connector

Send SMS directly from your integrations. You need to have an Phone no and an API key registrered on Twilio website.

PostgreSQL Connector

Connect to your on-prem and cloud PostgreSQL databases to your integrations to select, update, insert and delete data in your databases as a part of

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