Sensors creating Incident Reports

Copyl Risk Management features a dedicated Work Environment overview page, specifically designed for Safety Managers. On this page, HAV points and incident reports are prominently displayed, providing a comprehensive view of workplace safety metrics.

Table of Contents

The partnership between HAVS Protect and Copyl offers a unique, holistic solution for workers and safety managers to effectively mitigate the risks associated with vibration-related injuries. This collaboration ensures a comprehensive approach to workplace safety.

What is HAVS?

Did you know that vibrations account for over half of the sick leaves in the construction industry?

HAVS Protect, a product from We Protect AB, is dedicated to halting these injuries, which are increasingly affecting younger workers.

Power tools are the primary cause of HAVS (Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome).

An international standard exists for measuring vibrations, along with a point scale aiding both users and safety managers in injury prevention. Before HAVS Protect, managing this was a tedious, manual process involving referencing tool manuals for vibration data and calculating daily tool usage time for each worker. This led to a high incidence of worker injuries annually.

HAVS Point scale, describing the risk of getting injured from vibrations at work.
HAVS Protect device

HAVS Protect collaboration

When the IoT (Internet of Things) sensor detects vibrations, it transmits the data to Copyl, which employs international algorithms to calculate HAV Points. Upon reaching 100 points for a user within an 8-hour period, Copyl’s Risk Management system automatically generates an Incident Report. This report is then assigned to the Work Environment manager responsible for the worker wearing the device.

Copyl Risk Management features a dedicated Work Environment overview page, specifically designed for Safety Managers. On this page, HAV points and incident reports are prominently displayed, providing a comprehensive view of workplace safety metrics.

Copyl Risk Management features a dedicated Work Environment overview page, specifically designed for Safety Managers. On this page, HAV points and incident reports are prominently displayed, providing a comprehensive view of workplace safety metrics.


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